Our Story
Everyone has a moment in life where their light suddenly goes out. That moment may come during an illness, the end of a relationship, or when someone near and dear to you passes away. Then suddenly there is nothing but sadness and darkness where happiness and love once lived. For me, that moment came when I lost my mom suddenly on April 14, 2021. When she left, a piece of me left with her too. The woman who had been part of my life for 45 years was no longer here. Of course, I went through the stages of grief and finally the stage of acceptance. I felt like I had to do something to get my light back, my purpose, and most of all my happiness. I needed to do something that was therapy for me and lighting a candle was my peace and comfort at the time. I remember when I was younger, my mom would come in after work and light a candle and I would ask her the purpose of lighting a candle every day. She told me it would always bring her peace and the mood it would put her in. In saying that, I know every time I light my candle, she is always with me. To honor my mom and find comfort after her passing, I decided to create a candle line in her name. I felt like I needed to do more for her. The very first candle I made a calmness came over me that I had never felt in my life. My therapy.
Before diving into the creative process, I had to do my research in order to make this candle both beautiful and unique, like my mom. Through this process, I learned that many large candle companies use paraffin wax, which releases highly toxic volatile organic compounds when burned. The toxins released from paraffin candles are the same as those found in diesel fuel fumes. This is not only bad for the environment but also bad for our health. So for the base of the candle, I chose a custom blend of coconut apricot crème and coconut soy wax which is paired with 100% wooden wicks that crackle like a little fireplace. These natural ingredients combined would create a candle I could feel good about burning in my home. I then thought about the candle vessel. The candle vessel that I chose represents how my mom would dress, with such class and elegance. My mom was also a firecracker. So not only does the wooden wick provide a clean burn, but you can also hear the crackling of the burning candle like sitting in front of a fireplace.
In picking each fragrance, I wanted something that reminded me of my Mom. Each fragrance was created in remembrance of my mom’s scent. She loved her perfumes and smelling good at all times. I decided to add the Rose Quartz crystals that represent love, peace, and emotional healing. I felt like adding these crystals, with every burn, will bring emotional healing and some type of peace in someone's life. For most of my mom's life, she suffered from depression because she never dealt with her childhood trauma, she always carried that with her. When lighting a candle, I feel some type of connection to my mom and also know that she is at peace now. Free from pain and that's where my comfort comes from.
Whenever you light one of these candles, I hope that it brings you the same peace, comfort, and happiness that it brings to me now. When a candle is lit, it's saying that your loved one's internal flame will forever burn.
I knew the feelings my mom inspired in me with these candles needed to be shared with the world. That’s when Teresa Ann Luxury Candle Co. was created. A company that will carry positive energy, emotional healing, peace, and most of all love. It also brings awareness to mental illness and depression, to know there is help for it and you should never have to suffer.
This candle company has brought me the light I needed, in a beautiful, simple, and environmentally friendly way, and the candle you bring into your home can do the same for you. Sit quietly in their glow, feel the comfort of the slowly melting wax, and embrace the natural energy of the crystal imbedded into your candle which can become a positive and inspiring part of your life forever.